This page describes the scanning equipment and process used by Hans Sundgren when he digitized photos.
Most of the scanning is performed year 2008-2009 and later 2024.
During 2008 Hans scans the following film formats:
There are several brands of film scanners. Hans Sundgren uses a Nikon 5000 as the main scanner and a flatbed Epson 750 as a supplement for larger negative formats and special scans.
The Nikon 5000 is fast, including the ICE dust removal. The scanner has different adaptors to enable scanning of:
Description to be added.
Locate the positive or negative and pick it up.
Negatives are usually stored as cut 5-frame strips in:
Positives are normally stored as:
The single frame to be scanned must be correct orientated related to:
Blow away any dust, using compressed air. Even though the scanning software has ICE dust removal, the film should be as clean as possible. ICE can only "guess" what is below a dust particle.
The Nikon Scan software can be set to automatically start a preview when a slide is inserted.
Based on the preview picture, the scanning parameters may be adjusted.
Start the scan. Remove film when ready.
Rename the file with a descriptive text, starting with the date. For example: 1964-01-30_getingstigen_sture-sundgren.