Russia 1999

In November 1999 Hans Sundgren 42 years, goes to Russia as a technical teacher to conduct technical training in Moscow.

He takes some photos during the course and some tourist photos from the red square. Unfortunately, only the first 9 photos in the film is exposed, while the last 12 are blank.

Hans relaxing in his hotel room.

The hotel

Hans travels from Arlanda Sunday 13:25 and arrives to Moscow 17:35. So during his first evening he has no time to investigate the area.

Items on the table: Computer Dell™ Latitude ™ XPi CD 166ST, Calender Time/System, joggling balls, water bottler, Martini bottle, CD-ROM, 3½-inch floppy disks.
Hotel room interior with Hans' suitcase.
Students in the class room.

Day 1: Theoretical overview

The first day is a technical overview course with 18 students.

The course consists of 7 course modules and 163 overhead slides.

Hans' view of the students.
Students in action.

Day 2 and 3: Practical installation exercises

The second day the installation course starts with 4 students.

Some of the equipment in the building.

Hans leaves Moscow airport Wednesday 19:35 and arrives to Arlanda 19:00.

During 1999 and 2000 Hans runs the theoretical course during 9 occations:

	                   No. of
Date           Location    students
------------   ----------  --------
Year 1999
September 15   Stockholm   11 
October 12     Stockholm   13 
October 19     Stockholm   16 
November 14    Moscow      18 
November 30    Stockholm    5 
December 15    Stockholm    2 
December 16    Karlskrona   9 

Year 2000
January 27     Stockholm    6 
February 29    Stockholm    5
------------   ----------  --------
Total                      85

Photo details


Hans Sundgren


Konica Revio Z2 APS


Negative APS 16.7×30.2 mm


Hans Sundgren

Film scanner

Nikon Super Coolscan 5000 ED