The following sound recorders have been owned and used by Hans Sundgren.
October 2021
Hans still has some old compact cassettes, some with music, some with personal recordings. He wants to digitize the tapes and tries his cassette deck Yamaha KX-260. But the speed of the player is to slow, distorting the sound. Alsa, the overall quality is not good. So, he buys the only digitizing player he can find at this time, a small one with both good and bad review comments.
Hans buys the recorder 2021-10-11 from Kjell & Company Erikslund for 499 SEK..
March 2017
Hans have several devices for sound recording, but lacks a small microphone. This one seem to have decent specification and price according to the manufacurer: "a broadcast-grade omni-directional lavaliere microphone designed for mobile use".
Hans buys the microphone 2017-03-05 from Scandinavian Photo for 316 SEK.
May 2016
Hans has a nice sound recorder already, the Zoom H2n, but it is a little bit too complicated to operate and bulky. Therefore Hans wants a compact, easy to use recorder. Olympus has exactly what he wants and he buys the DP-311 from Dustin 2016-05-31 for xxx SEK.
July 2012
Xxxx 199x
Xxxxx 1983
Hans purchased the recorder in London 1983. It was not available on the Swedish market.
Xxxxx 197x
This standard type of tape recorder was used to record Klas first noise.
December 1967
This was a very small tape recorder at that time. No recordings from this time is left.
In the end the recorder was dismounted into pieces. With this recorder Hans learned how a tape recorder was designed. The erasing "head" was a permanent magnet that was moved towards the moving tape.
Similar tape recorders are: Cambridge model 501 and Sandy Deluxe Reel-to-Reel Tape Recorder Player, but they are more advanced.