The following calculators have been owned and used by Hans Sundgren.
Hans' favorite calculator is no longer working after 25 years of duty. He wants to replace it with a similar one. He receives this Casio as a birthday gift.
Costs only 99.90 SEK at Clas Ohlson.
During Hans' work when conducting technical training for a large telecom company, the students need to do calculations. For this purpose, calculators are purchased and handed out to the students. Hans also gets one.
End of life 2021-01-30
The calculator has been used frequently during 25 years. But in the end it has been subjected to accidents like exposure to water and wine. In addition, it has also been left on a hot stove that melted part of the plastic. Therefore, it is replaced by the Casio MS-10B and is left for recycling.
Hans gets this calculator as part of a work compensation program. He selects the calculator himself and wants an economical type of calculator with possibility to program any problem. This calculator has also an IR-connected printer.
End of life 1996-11-27
In 1996 the calculator is stolen when it is stored in a briefcase in the car parked in Djurgården, Stockholm. The printer is left in Västerås.
August 1977
When entering the final 4'th year of his engineering studies, calculators were now accepted. So, Hans buys a scientific calculator with R/P functions needed for his last years study of high voltage electrical engineering.
End of life ?
No data.
1974 (?)
Hans reads the magazine "Radio och Television" and sees an ad describing the Sinclair Cambridge calculator from Great Britain. So he orders one.
End of life ?
No data.
August 1973
Calculators are not accepted when Hans starts in high school, studying to be an engineer. So Hans is forced to learn how to use a slide rule.
May 1972
Hans is interested in the Japanese soroban, an abacus counting frame, and buys one 1972-05-23 for SEK 19.
1957 (?)
When Hans is born, his sister is 4,5 years old and her parents buy an abacus for the family.