The world is full of gadgets, some useful and some not so useful. Companies are spending money creating nice products that helps people or makes them happy. On the other hand, sometimes money and effort is spent on developing weird gizmos with questionable use.
Here are some things we can live without. The things have, of some reason, been in Hans' possession.
Price: 1 Euro in 2004.
Quite nice design with an internal switch controlling the LED. When spinned, a ball moves outwards due to the centrifugal force and triggers the switch.
Amazing that someone can produce a thing like this for one Euro, including the two small batteries.
Price: 4 Euro in 2004.
"Develops grip, wrist and forearm improves your grip for golf, tennis, raquetball, any sports. Spin like a dynamo and humms like a bee." That is the promise, and note; no battery required!
Yes, you can get it spinning following the operating instructions but I think you get more exersice by a handshake with someone.