In 2000 Hans (age 43), as a member of the Swedish radio-orienteering team, goes to China to participate in the 9th World Championships in Nanjing.
The Swedish team consists of 6 members that attend the following program.
Flight from Arlanda to Frankfurt to Shangai
Arrival in Shanghai
Sightseeing in Shanghai and bus to Nanjing
Training on both bands, opening ceremony
144 MHz Competition
Free day, sightseeing in Nanjing
3.5 MHz Competition and awarding ceremony, farewell banquet
Departure from Shanghai to Frankfurt to Arlanda
The travel started in Västerås. In Arlanda they had time to drink some beer. Many hours later they landed in Shanghai.
From the Shanghai airport the team takes the high-speed train to Shanghai and then a bus takes them to the Ocean Hotel for a 1-night stay. The hotel is located only 400 meters from the Huangpu River.
The English/Chinese tourist book "Nanjing", printed 1999, from Foreign Language Press helps Hans to get an overview of the city. Size 170×165 mm, 72 pages.
The book introduces the city with the words: "Nanjing is a famous historic city described as 'a birthplace of southern beauties and a habitat of roayl rulers' by ancient Chinese poets.
Before the first race, the Swedish team has a meeting with the team leader discussion tactics.
The positions of the posts for category Oldtimer 3,5 MHz together with Hans beartings and his running track.
"Från start till 4:an (höjdskillnad 140 m) gjorde jag misstaget att gå in för tidigt mot kontrollen. Radiobäringen visade lite fel genom avböjning mot berget. Genom att tvingas in i det helgröna området tog det för lång tid till denna första kontroll. I princip fick man slå sig fram med farten 10 meter per minut på vissa ställen. Sträckan 4 – 3 – 2 – 1 – mål, gick sedan som en dans fastän jag fick klättra upp 120 m till 2:an också."
144 MHz OLDTIMER, individual ----------- 1 JANOS OROSI Hungary 57:43 20 HANS SUNDGREN Sweden 100:50 33 GUNNAR SVENSSON Sweden 117:39 35 JAN PALMQUIST Sweden 118:48 144 MHz OLDTIMER, team ----------------- 1 Russia 133:06 11 Sweden 218:29 144 MHz VETERAN, individual ------------ 1 JOZSEF CSERHATI Hungary 74:48 10 GUNNAR FAGERBERG Sweden 114:07 14 OLLE NILSSON Sweden 114:44 LEIF ZETTERVALL Sweden OverRun 144 MHz VETERAN team ------------------- 1 Russia 185:54 5 Sweden 228:51 ======================================== 3,5 MHz, OLDTIMER, individual ---------- 1 KONSTANTIN ZELENSKY Russia 54:38 22 HANS SUNDGREN Sweden 98:41 24 GUNNAR SVENSSON Sweden 103:16 31 JAN PALMQUIST Sweden 125:55 3,5 MHz, OLDTIMER, team ---------------- 1 Russia 116:55 9 Sweden 201:57 3,5 MHz, VETERAN, individual ----------- 1 JOSEF TUTTMAN Germany 67:37 12 GUNNAR FAGERBERG Sweden 107:41 14 OLLE NILSSON Sweden 124:36 20 LEIF ZETTERVALL Sweden 122:33 3,5 MHz, VETERAN, team ----------------- 1 Russia 149:08 4 Sweden 232:17